Langside Primary Parents & Carers Group (PCG) represents the views of parents and carers, and works on behalf of the pupils in a strong partnership with the school.
Here are some of the things that have happened thanks to our efforts.
- We paid £800 for a mobile WAPS to help provide Wi-Fi in the school
- We purchased digital cameras for every class in the school
- We bought new playground furniture and development of the playgrounds
- We purchased of extra mathematics' materials to improve delivery
- We provided outdoor sports equipment and games
- We purchased the stage
Christmas parties for pupils, the Monsters’ Ball, a Valentine’s Disco, plus other events – not within the school budget – are the types of events to benefit from PCG funding.
In recent years, we have also assisted the school’s senior management team in a review of the school’s curriculum rationale and aims, the Homelearning Policy, the development of improvement plans for the playgrounds to support play and outdoor learning, and the choice of the best school uniform supplier.
PCG members have also been involved in the selection process, interview and appointment of the Head Teacher and Deputy Heads.
The PCG meets around six times a year with additional groups meeting to organise special events and the playground upgrade.
All parents and carers are welcome to attend our meetings and get involved in PCG activities that are advertised throughout the year.
You can become a PCG member OR simply be willing to help in the organisation of events.
We look forward to your involvement and help, ensuring our children thrive at Langside Primary School.
Who we are
Chair PTC meetings
IT and Digital Support
Funding Champion / Clerk
Role – To be aware of public and private funding opportunities, apply for funding etc.
Funding Champion & Local Business Champion
Role – To be aware of public and private funding opportunities, apply for funding etc.
Role – Build and strengthen relations with local businesses
Local Business Champion
Role – Build and strengthen relations with local businesses
Role vacant
Diversity Ambassador
Role – Support the voice of our pupils and ensure minority groups (disabled, BAME, LGBT+ etc.) are recognised